
IV Infusion Therapy

IV Infusion Therapy services offered in Livingston, Cleveland and Humble, TX

IV Infusion Therapy services offered in Livingston, Cleveland and Humble, TX

When you’re eating poorly, you can probably guess why you feel fatigued, have headaches, or struggle to lose weight. But what if you feel that way even when you take your vitamins and make an effort to eat healthily? To ensure your body gets what it needs, Calvary Medical Clinic offers IV infusion therapy at their offices in Cleveland and Humble, Texas. With this highly effective tool, you can remedy any nutritional deficiencies and feel your best — fast. To learn more, call the office or book your appointment online today. 

IV Infusion Therapy Q&A

What is IV infusion therapy?

Intravenous (IV) vitamin therapy, also known as intravenous micronutrient therapy, delivers high doses of vitamins and minerals directly into the bloodstream. This allows the body to absorb nutrients more quickly than it normally would when taking vitamins orally.

This quick and effective treatment is designed to ensure your body is getting the vitamins, minerals, and nutrients it needs. The problem is that, even if you make a dedicated effort to eat right, some of the nutrients in your food are lost in digestion.

With IV infusion therapy, however, vitamins, minerals, and nutrients can be sent directly into your bloodstream so your body can reap their full benefits.

Why might I consider IV infusion therapy?

IV infusion therapy is for any person who feels like their health could use a boost. It’s a powerful restorative treatment that can help you combat a number of issues, including:

  • Fatigue
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Diabetes
  • Asthma
  • Nutrient deficiencies (anemia, diarrhea, weight loss)
  • Depression and anxiety
  • Withdrawal
  • Hangovers
  • Dehydration
  • Immune support
  • Cardiovascular issues
  • Alcohol use disorder
  • Chronic exhaustion
  • Headaches and migraine symptoms
  • Digestion problems
  • Weight loss challenges

Because it restores your body, IV infusion therapy is ideal for people fighting infections and illnesses. It’s useful in preparing for surgery, and when used post-operatively, it ensures your body has the vitamins, minerals, and nutrients it needs to heal quickly and well.

Similarly, athletes choose this treatment before an event to support their best performance and after events to support recovery.

IV vitamin therapy is generally safe if administered by a trained professional in a clean environment with sterile equipment.

What type of IV infusion therapy is right for me?

Not all IV infusion therapies are the same. Some people might need high doses of iron, while others want a blend designed to help them banish work stress and perform excellently in their upcoming presentation.

Calvary Medical Clinic offers several forms of IV infusion therapy, including:

  • Simply Hydrate
  • Hydrate XLR
  • Myer’s Cocktail
  • Skin & Beauty
  • Energy Plus
  • Complete Health (Metabolic & Weight)

Their IV infusions start at $99.00.

They use your medical history and take the time to understand how you’re currently feeling. Armed with that information, they can personalize the IV infusion therapy to what’s best for your body.

What should I expect during my IV infusion therapy?

At Calvary Medical Clinic, IV infusion therapy is a therapeutic experience. As you sit comfortably in a chair, one of their IV administration experts will get you set up. Then, you relax as the IV goes to work. It usually takes between 20 minutes and an hour for the full treatment.

After your infusion, you’ll most likely notice that you feel energized. You can continue on with your usual daily activities immediately afterward.

Is your body getting what it needs? If you want to beat stress, boost your energy, and support your overall health, call Calvary Medical Clinic or book your IV infusion therapy appointment online today.