
What Screenings Does My Child Need?

Feb 03, 2022
What Screenings Does My Child Need?
From infancy through adulthood, the medical community works hard to help prevent and/or identify conditions that endanger your overall health and well-being.

From infancy through adulthood, the medical community works hard to help prevent and/or identify conditions that endanger your overall health and well-being. Developed by the American Academy of Pediatrics, routine childhood screenings are designed to spot vitamin deficiencies, developmental delays, and other childhood issues early, when they’re typically more responsive to treatment.

The primary care experts at Calvary Medical Clinic, with locations in Cleveland, Livingston, and Humble, Texas, provide outstanding medical services for the entire family. Their goal is to support your good health from infancy through adulthood. Read how childhood screenings help accomplish that objective and which health screenings pediatricians recommend you not put off.


Very often referred to as well-child or preventive health visits, recommended childhood screenings occur frequently during the first year of life and taper off as your child matures. Each visit includes a thorough physical exam and evaluation of a child’s development that covers a wide variety of subjects, including:

  • Height and weight
  • Neurological and muscle development
  • Hearing and sight
  • Age-appropriate communication skills
  • Vaccination schedule
  • Safety issues such as seatbelts, bike helmets, stranger danger, etc.

Depending on your child’s medical history and results of the physical exam, your Calvary Medical Clinic provider may also recommend certain labs to check for issues such as anemia or lead levels.

These visits also provide caregivers an opportunity to discuss concerns and ask questions regarding expected growth and development. They help children become familiar with, and thus less anxious about, routine medical visits as well.


Well-child visits and necessary screenings are divided into age-related categories that include:


During your child’s first year of life, well-child visits start within two to three days of birth and are then recommended at one, two, four, six, and nine months.


Well-child visits become less frequent after one year and are typically scheduled at:

  • 12 months
  • 15 months
  • 18 months
  • 24 months
  • 30 months

Once your child turns three, we typically recommend a well-child visit/physical exam once a year until they reach adulthood. Sooner, of course, if your child is ill or struggling with issues such as allergy symptoms, frequent viral infections, etc.


Adolescence ushers in an incredible cycle of physical growth as well as social and emotional development that helps your teen transition from childhood into adulthood. These changes can create health issues not common in early childhood, such as acne and hormonal changes associated with puberty.

During these routine well-child visits, your provider helps prepare you and your teen for the expected changes. We also provide necessary health screenings and vaccination updates for issues related to older children. For instance, annual well-child visits for preteens and adolescents may also include sports physicals and other requirements related to school activities, driving skills, and more.

For top-rated medical care that includes routine well-child visits and health screenings, schedule a visit at the Calvary Medical Clinic most convenient to you by calling or booking an appointment online today.